Moreland Term Week 3 2019
Wednesday was another day on the program where we were using our body and minds. We started the day at Oxygen Youth Services and met Jacinta and Temika from Headspace. Operation Newstart is extremely lucky to be partnered with headspace and to work closely with them to provide mental health knowledge and support. During the session we looked at things that we are all dealing with and coping strategies that we can adopt to help manage these. We touched on helpful behaviours and people we can contact for support. It was also Ryans birthday on this day so we sang happy birthday and shared some cake to celebrate. After we drove to Richmond gym to work up a sweat. We started teh session with some cardio and then got stuck into circuit training. We did push ups, burpees, tricep dips and many more strength/HIIT focused activities. After an hour here we had some water, debriefed the day and went home.
Thursday was a day of bikes as we were spending it at CERES environmental park in the bike shed fixing up bikes. CERES environmental park is a great resource for Newstart and the community to have access too. In partnership with the volunteer there Denis we return most terms to work on bikes and see what CERES offers. The young people worked together on this day to fix, clean up and restore three old bikes. They had to tighten the brakes, refit new seats, fix the tyres and clean up the other all bike. After a nice break and lunch in the sun the young people then explored the park and presented three facts they found. These included information around sustainability, indigenous Australians and renewable energy sources.
Friday was a big day as we were doing our respectful relationships workshop and were then going to Kangan Melbourne Polytechnic for our first TAFE tester. We started the day at our local hub Oxygen Youth Services where we met Vanessa and the Undercurrent crew. We split into genders and then started the session. During this workshops the Undercurrent crew is able to discuss the topics of relationships, labelling, stereotyping, domestic violence and gender roles in a safe and comfortable way. The students guide the conversation and the activities are focused on getting the students to unpack their understanding on these big topics. Everyone during the session was honest, open and respectful and we all learnt something new about eachother and the topics. After this we drove straight to Kanga to do out TAFE tester. Once at the TAFE we met with Michael and the students got straight into individual interviews to discuss education options for them. It was great to see all the students asking a lot of questions and getting a lot of information out of these individual interviews. After this it was time to get physical as we entered our baking TAFE tester. We met with the chef and got stuck into weighing, kneading and making pizzas. Our two options for flavours were nutella and margarita. With a lot of flour, a great leader and a strong oven we were able to cook our pizzas and eat them on the way home. Special mention to Amanda from Collingwood Alternative School who helped out on the program today while Brendon way away. We sadly wern't able to salvage the burnt nutella pizzas but had a great day overall.