Enhance Program
Operation Newstart's Enhance program runs once a year as an alternative to the regular Newstart program, focusing on leadership rather than school engagement.
Enhance is a program for students who have been recognised within their school as having positive leadership qualities, who could use alternative experiences out of school to promote further personal growth. The program aims to further develop leadership and communication skills, and encourages students to promote positive change within their school and local communities.
Students attending the Enhance program already have a positive commitment to school. Using fun and challenging outdoor experiences, the Enhance program allows these students an opportunity to build confidence and a belief of their own abilities that can be transferred back at school.
Through a combination of outdoor adventure activities, life skills and community projects; students will develop greater interpersonal skills, self confidence and an opportunity to take leadership skills back into their school life.
The Enhance program runs for five weeks in Term 3, and takes students from government schools across the Northern Metropolitan Region.
As with all Newstart terms, we keep a regular blog to keep everyone up to date with what the students have been up to!
2016 'Think Global Act Local' Documentary
The following documentary was written, filmed and edited by students on the Enhance program.