Enhance Term week 4 2018
It’s the second last week of the program and our most exciting week as it’s our snow camp!
We started off the day nice and early with a 6am meeting time. It was great to see the young people showing self leadership by getting there on time with everything they need and ready to go. After we loaded in and got comfortable we started the long journey to Mt buller. The ride was there was smooth and enjoyable with only one stop at Yea to get a much needed coffee for the last part of our journey. Once at Mt Buller we unpacked at our accommodation, grouped up with the western Newstart crew and headed straight into Georges to gear up! We were lucky enough to have perfect weather and lots of snow for our first lesson. We split into the skiers and snowboarder groups, met our instructors and got started. It was impressive how determined everyone was to learn the new skill and make the most of this opportunity. After the first lesson was done and we were all feeling confident we used the free time to practice our new skills. It was great to see everyone working together and excited to get in a few extra runs. We then headed back to our accommodation to cook dinner and debrief on how our day was. We then finished up the night with some pool, table tennis and a much needed early night.
Thursday was the most challenging day of the camp as the weather was against us. We woke up, had breakfast, geared up and headed straight onto the slopes. It was amazing to see everyone get right into it and not give the weather a second look. Although it was foggy, wet and windy everyone gave it their all and skilled up further. The day flew buy and before we knew it we were all having lunch at Abon in our wet snow gear. After a few more runs on the slopes we headed back to the accommodation to get dry and have a much-needed warm shower. After we got warm and had some time to relax we headed back out to dinner. Although the
weather was foggy and wet all day, the snow gods shined upon us to clear up the night for our walk to and from the restaurant. We finished the night with some pool, table tennis, a debrief and a birthday cake for Nats birthday. We all went to bed tired and ready for our last day.
Friday was another magical day on the mountain as we were blessed with perfect weather. The sun was shining, fog was lifted and we were all ready to perfect our skills. We started the lessons confident and ready to hit other runs on the mountain. It was great to see everyone hustle in the morning to clean the accommodation, pack up their stuff and get ready to go straight onto the mountain. We got a few runs in, started our lesson and were off for the rest of the day. Spirits were high as we were all getting really good at skiing/snowboarding. It was lovely to see how everyone took leadership of themselves and others to make sure everyone was having the best day they could. I can say with confidence that we all took advantage of the camp by spending every possible moment on the mountain. We only stopped for lunch and even snuck in a few extra runs after it. We finished the day by meeting Laurie and Rhyla who support our program greatly and allow this camp to happen.
Overall it was a great camp filled with lots of learning and laughs. Everyone had a great time and it was an experience that none of us will ever forget.