Term 1 Week 7 2021
Hi everyone!
This was our last week with our amazing Term 1 students. The program went by so quickly!.. time flies when you're having fun :)
On Wednesday we spent the morning building three bikes from the box to then donate to three students at Glenroy West Primary School. We had a professional bike mechanic join us to help make sure the bikes were built all correctly and 100% safe for the new riders. We drove to the primary school in the afternoon to drop off the new bikes and the ONN students ran a safety lesson, following the ABCDE bicycle safety check with them. It was great to see the young people be in the position where they are teaching others and how they communicate effectively. I believe they all received great joy in donating the bikes.
On Thursday we spent some time working on our journals and completed topics such as respectful relationships and wrote our reflections based on the last camp. We then worked on our speeches for the next day. After lunch we had our last boxing session with Sal. Sal saw us three times during this program and he was able to see the progression of the student's abilities and efforts. He let us all know we were doing really well. There is room for improvement always so it was encouraged for the students who were into boxing, to continue the sport in their own time. It was a great session that made us work up a sweat and at the end a few us jumped in the ring for a spar. Sal has been a massive inspiration and positive role model for the students so we are so happy to see him three times during this program.
Friday was graduation day! The students did an incredible job with presenting their speeches especially because they were feeling nervous. Thank you all for sharing your experiences with the crowd. We are so proud of the students and what they have achieved during this program. All their efforts and success is a credit to themselves and this is an experience that they will never forget. They have all gained new friendships and of course the memories that will last them a life time. Well done for stepping out of your comfort zone and taking a chance on yourself. Thank you to absolutely everyone who was involved on this term's program!
