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This week the students had an adventure filled time with thrilling activities and challenges they had to overcome. They explored caves, canoed down the scenic Yarra River and even tackled some TAFE testers at Melbourne Polytechnic.

Wednesday was a dynamic day as students started the day off with a yoga class then hit the gym, tackling various fitness challenges and finishing off the session with some basketball. The energy was high, and the enthusiasm was contagious thanks to a great morning. In the afternoon, the students dove into TAFE testers at Melbourne Polytechnic, where they got hands on with welding and carpentry activities. These sessions provided a fantastic opportunity for the students to explore new skills and potential career paths.

Thursday’s adventure took the students underground into the beautiful Britannia Creek Cave. Initially, some were nervous about the tight spaces, but with encouragement and teamwork, they all pushed through and explored the underground wonders together. Some students were wetter and muddier than others but everyone had a great time. After conquering the caves, the group made their way through the scenic creek back to the bus. We stopped for lunch at a nearby service station, sharing laughs and stories about the adventure. The day was filled with excitement and camaraderie, making it a memorable experience for everyone involved.

Friday’s canoeing adventure on the Yarra River was both challenging and rewarding. Students learned the importance of teamwork as those at the back of the canoe controlled the direction while those at the front had to trust their partners. Although some initially struggled with the lack of control, they quickly adapted, working together and enjoying the experience, bookending a day of learning and fun. The day started with lifting canoes off the trailer and down a hill, we initially started by having two students carry a canoe but after we had finished canoeing this was a different story because the day ended with the same effort in reverse but all eight of us carried one canoe at a time together.

Overall, this was a great week. Each activity, from the gym sessions to the TAFE testers, caving and canoeing, offered unique challenges and memorable experiences. The students not only learned new skills but also improved their ability to work in a team. It was a week of fun and learning leaving everyone with stories to tell and lessons to cherish


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