Enhance Term 3 2024
Hi everyone,
Welcome to the first Blog post of the term!
These blogs give a little bit of an insight into the previous weeks, with some student reflections and photos!
Our first day on Operation Newstart is always dedicated to getting to each other, our values and what to expect for the term ahead! We started off with lots of ice breaker games, encouraging leadership, a positive attitude, team work/collaboration and critical thinking skills. Following this we began exploring our group values that we will continue to reflect on throughout the term. The students agreed on Trust, Respect, Humour, Teamwork and Communication as our 5 values for the term! We then headed off to Oxygen Youth Space where we had Youth Worker Lillian present to our students about the youth space in Coburg and the programs they have to offer. These included a youth ambassador program, giving students a voice in the Merribek community.
On Thursday the 8th we headed off on our first activity of the program, a nature walk and Tree Surfing!
We arrived at the Sherbrooke Forest and completed a stunning 1hr hike through the trees. Students practiced their leadership skills, delegating a new leader a different points in the walk. This leader was responsible for checking up on the group, taking breaks when needed and ensuring all students stick together. During the walk students were split into 3 groups and challenged to find natural materials that matched a colour swab. Students had to work together, create a game plan and remain vigilant! Our winners were Annabelle, Shamoni and Bhagavada! We then headed off to Belgrave Trees adventure. Students were giving a safety and equipment briefing before choosing which course to embark on. Lots of students decided to brave the Red 2 course, one of the most challenging which included a 10 metre free fall drop! All students showed amazing bravery and perseverance with difficult obstacles and large heights. With 7 students completing the 10 metre drop at the end! Students had to face their fears and reflect on their personal character strengths!
On Friday the 9th, we completed a Bike Ride through the Yarra trail. Students started off learning all about the mechanisms and safety of a bike, in which they will then teach some English language students in a few weeks! We covered the ABCDDE of bike safety, going through the tires, chain, brakes and clothing to be considered before riding. Once students were competent in this we headed off to Richmond and begun our ride! Again we practiced leadership delegating a leader to ensure everyone was travelling well, keeping together and taking breaks when needed. Once we arrived in federation square we stopped for lunch before visiting the infamous Hozier Lane and Culture Kings! We then headed back on the same trail and picked a new leader for the trip!
