Yarra Term Week 1 2019
Hello everyone and welcome to the Yarra blog and our first term for the year! We love coming back to work in the Yarra area as there are so many wonderful people and services to work with. The blog will be updated each week with an insight into the activities we've been doing as well as photos.
The week started out how most of our days do at Collingwood train station. It was great to see everyone arrive on time with everything they need and ready to go. This week in particular was a unique one as it started and ended on Friday instead of Wednesday. We gathered the team and made our way down to our local hub this term, Yarra Youth services. Once here we started the day with some ice breaker activities. With great credit to the young people they all engaged right away and formed a level of comfortability that is going to set us up well for the rest of the term. After this we got stuck into setting up our code of conduct. The code of conduct is a set of values that the young people brainstorm and then decided on for the term. The expectation after setting these codes is that they will then abide by them throughout the program and will keep each other accountable on them. This terms code of conduct values are respect, team work, encouragement, open mindedness, honesty and fairness. After this we had a quick bite to eat and then headed to Fitzroy leisure centre to participate in a gym session. At the centre we met with one of the personal trainers at the gym Andrew. Andrew has worked with Newstart for a few years now and does an amazing job at engaging the young people and running personalised sessions for our students. During this day we did some cardio on the cardio machines, practiced some weight training through chins ups and the specific weight machines and did some group fitness challenges like planking and skipping. We finished the day hot from our gym session and ready to start our first full week next week.