Term 2 2018 Reunion
Today was a special day for the Newstart team as it was our Term 2 reunion day! we gathered the term 2 crew, went back to oxygen youth services and started our 6 month review. It was heart-warming to see everyone so excited to get together to share our memories of the program.
We started the reunion by refreshing our memory of what term 2 looked like by watching our Term 2 video. It was great to have so much joy and laughter come from this. After becoming nostalgic we started getting into the nitty gritty of the last 6 months. We focused on their school goals and on if they think they have achieved them. We also set new goals for the future and spoke about what our future aspirations are. We discussed the character strengths that we have developed and used most since Newstart, and reflected on how far we have come. After this (and some evaluation forms being completed) we went to Keon park for a game of bowling. After a few strikes and spares we took a selfie and said goodbye again.
Brendon and I can say with great pride that like all Newstart students, this crew is achieving a lot. All the young people are kicking goals in their own way and and should all be incredibly proud of where they are. They all have clear goals on what they want their schooling to look like next year and we have no doubt that they will all be able to achieve them. Thank you again for all your hard work and thank you for making your Newstart jouney the best that it can be.