Yarra Week 1 2018
Welcome everyone to the first term of 2018! This term we're working in the Yarra area and are really looking forward to engaging with the great services and schools that we have access to here. The term started with blue skies and the sun shining which helped set the mood for a good term. We are all excited and ready to go to met the challenges that lay ahead.

Day one started off with a bang as we headed to Yarra Youth Services (YYS) to do some ice breaker activities. These fun and interactive activities allow us all to get to know each other a little better. Here we also set up our group code of conduct which highlighted the values of respect, trust, encouragement, team work, communication and empathy. We then headed to Richmond gym to sweat through a few fitness tests. With thanks to Andrew and team the young people were able to get through the tests and surprised themselves with how they went. Although the weather was hot everyone got involved and gave it their all. We then finished the day with some journal work and a run down on what to bring tomorrow in a much needed air conditioned room.

Day two saw us heading to the Kokoda Track Memorial Walk to complete the 1000 steps hike. This hike is one that challenges the young people physically and mentally as the hike is up steep steps in lush forest. On the hike skills of team work and communication came into play and a focus on resilience was held. By the top the young people were left feeling tired but accomplished and could empathise with what the solider in World War II had to endure. The second half of the day saw us participate in trees adventures and saw everyone complete a track or two. Each young person challenged themselves and worked as a team to encourage each other and tackle their fears.

Day three had us working with Tim at Melbourne Polytechnic in Fairfield to have a landscaping course 'taster'. We learnt how to lay pavers and gained first hand insight into what TAFE education is like. We had the opportunity to work as a team and ask a lot of questions about the course, campus and future career prospects. It was a great opportunity for the young people to see that education doesn't always need to be in a typical classroom setting and can be more hands on.
Overall it was a great week and we're all looking forward to the rest of the program!