Enhance 2016 Graduation Ceremony
Congratulations to the graduating students of the Enhance Program of 2016!
It's been a busy five weeks and we were proud to be able to celebrate the student's achievements with their family and schools. The graduation ceremony was held at the Library at the Dock, a fitting venue as we have been spending time here each week working on the documentary and class activity.
All the students gave a great presentation on one of the activities we've done over the term; explaining what the activity involved, how it challenged them and what they learnt from the experience. Despite some initial nerves everyone spoke well and gave a great account of the term.
We also had the first opportunity to view the fantastic documentary the students have been working hard on! It was wonderful to see such a high quality end product that really showed the amount of effort that had been put into making it. You can check out the doco in the next blog post or on the Enhance webpage. The students will be sharing this along with a few other activities with a younger class in the coming weeks to continue to focus on their leadership skills and raise awareness of issues within the community.
Congratulations again to these eight wonderful young people for their efforts over the term. We look forward to hearing all about the activities and successes back at school in the future.