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Banyule/Nillumbik Week 5 2017

This week we started off at our base at Eltham Leisure Centre for some team building initiatives. Students worked together on a range of problem solving tasks with some great outcomes, before a game of blindfolded soccer. After these activities we met up with Jordan and headed into the gym for our weekly gym session. We learnt a new workout before everyone had free time to work on whatever equipment they wanted. After the gym we headed to HealthAbility for a session with Luke from Reconnect. He ran through a great session about the teenage brain and the fright, flight and freeze responses.

Thursday was the second and final Reach workshop for our students. This one focused on looking towards the future and goal setting. Feedback from the workshop was great and our students got a lot out of the two days over the term.

We spent the last day of the week out at Brittania Creek Cave. Caving is a really enjoyable activity, but also very challenging. It provides not only a physical challenge, but requires huge amounts of communication, initiative and team work to get through the cave safely and efficiently. There were quite a lot of nerves initially however as we moved through the cave system, the students' confidence grew and they became more comfortable. Everyone did a fantastic job and pushed through their own barriers for a great outcome.

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